Alice in wonder-van

In a neat and ordered corner of my imagination, I had a very elegant outcome of the pearl. I thought It could look real professional and minimalistic. I though about all the rules of interior design one can read about in magazines, of keeping light colors, clean surfaces, making the space feel big and “fresh”.

But frankly: To hell with that.

I always dreamt of living in vernissage. And that ugly times one hundred is beautiful, that as many times it is true that “Less is more” but more it still … More. And being in full power of how this small space will look like (and being the one who will have to endure it), I thought I might as well enjoy myself. Make it into a mad universe without rules, one that will be so loud and full of impressions that it will outspeak my mind and swallow be into its colorful and warm inside. That is a place I want to call home.

I had two folders of images that I found on a fleemarket many years ago “for a future project” wich turned out to be this. The back wall is covered with a collection of “Reputable Swedes” from 1908. Obviously the collection consist only of men with double cheeks and funny wigs and as I put them up I felt uncomfortable with their self-satisfied faces staring out in nothing. So it will make an excellent background for a collage, in honor to all the repressed woman who history never heard of. High-five spontaneous feminism!

The other folder was filled with thick cards starring colored photographs of flowers and their names in Swedish and Latin. Probably used in education during the 70´s, I learned a great amount as I soaked and dried them to make use of both sides. I belive Papaver dubium ended up being my favorite, placed just over the bed. All were into a wallpaper with a simple glue- recipie from kindergarden. Potato flour, sugar and water.

Three thick and rustic bed covers measuring 245*145 cm will work as two draperies (for insulation and draft) , blackout curtains and main sofa/bed. I discovered the good side of living in an appartment: Neighbors are full of surprises. Johanna lended me her sewing-machine and great skills. Check out her new web shop here: Johanna Metsalo

Several items were purchased on the secondhand (Pots, storage, pans, cutlery) the basics to live in the van. The abundance of roadsales and fleemarkets along the road will do doubt provide me with anything I could possibly miss. So the second chapter begins: Making pearl into a real wonder-van.


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DIY Wallpaper glue:

  • 8 dl water
  • 1 dl sugar
  • 3 tblsp potato flour

In a pot, dissolve the sugar in half of the water, in another jar dissolve the potato flour in the rest of the water until there is no lumps. Keep the pot simmering on low heat and slowly stir the potato water. Mix well and keep on the stove until transparent, if it turns out to thick: Add  a bit of water. Costs are so minimal it is not even worth mentioning it.

This recipe, made with berries during summer and served with milk is actually a common meal growing up in Sweden. Starch and sugar… Yum?

2 thoughts on “Alice in wonder-van

  1. Annika says:

    Wowe…. snyggt med bilderna på väggarna ändå… estetiskt… alltid något att vila ögonen på. Hoppas det håller med potatisklister 😏….
    Fint du kunde få låna symaskin😊
    Kul rubrik…. “Alice in wonder – van” 😄

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Eller hur! Jag gillar att man kan sitta in i husbilen och bara sitta och upptäcka saker på plats. Ett liten karamell sprängfylld med smak. (Och detta är bara början). Jag ska stryka en omgång till med klister, men det verkar hålla bra, huvudsaken är att det inte innehåller kemikalier och det kostade drygt 5 kr att tapetsera allt. Jag kommer säkerligen byta tapet någon gång i framtiden så det får hålla så länge det håller 🙂 Johanna är en klippa! Hon fick lite tyger som jag släpat med mig, några från Katti som jag inte kommer att använda, hon kommer sannerligen göra snygga kläder av dom….


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